von Paul Vos

Recording Treff with Benjamin Kjellman-Chapin

A lecture on art. Art with a big K!

L'art pour l'art. The principle of "L'art pour l'art" was applied as a benchmark in the assessment of art. It is formalistic in nature, ie the work of art must be judged on the basis of qualities present in the work, for example technical aspects.

Benjamin Kjellman-Chapin guided us around his various art themes and the way in which he approaches the creative process.

There were 17 participants from all over the world and and even two from Ukraine which is an achievement given the circumstances there.

The images in front of the monument to the fallen during the 1st world war that were shown by Benjamin appealed to the imagination. Very impressive and current if you put yourself in the situation in Ukraine.

Benjamin is fascinated by the fire welding technique that you often see in his work.

After an interesting discussion about the application of the different techniques to shape the images, the audience concluded that the use of chisels is the most appealing. This technique brings the steel to life.

“Chiseling is more expressive” Steve Rook
“Chiseling is expressive but expensive” Pete Hill

Enjoy the view of Benjamin ‘s presentation on youtube!
