von Robin Muth

Next Monday Treff with Becky Schimpff


On 15.11.2021 Becky Schimpff will give her presentation.

Becky Schimpff will talk about how to forge square corners. Amongst other things, she will show how to use the vice to create a full square corner.

Location: https://zoom.us/j/96826222063?pwd=WjhaUldMU1BkU1BZZS9MMDJOT0R5UT09

Meeting-ID: 985 8603 1559
Kenncode: 975901

Start 19.00 CET

Room Open / Raum geöffnet 18.40 CET

Questions during the Treff are supposed to be posted into the chat. At the end of the presentation, the questions will be answered. This way, it will be easier to answer all the questions.

Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to a wonderful evening together!
