von Patrick Beck
Next Monday Treff with Patrick Beck
Next Monday 21.11.2022 at 19.00 CET the Treff will be held by Patrick Beck. Patrick will talk about induction forging and show how to make a scandinavian style candleholder with the induction forge.
Please post questions during the Treff into the chat. At the end of the presentation, the questions will be answered. This way, it will be easier to answer all the questions.
The Treff after this one will be held on 12.12.2022.
Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to a wonderful evening together!
Room: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81215557785?pwd=T2M4bFhjUkhrd2tYZjJqR2hnQ2lkdz09
Meeting-ID: 812 1555 7785
Kenncode: 216372
Start: 19.00 CEST
Room Open: 18.40 CEST