von Paul Vos

Powerhammer Installation with Niklas Wespel

Mr. Niklas Wespel from the Angele company from southern Germany gave a clear presentation about installing the powerhammer.


After a short introduction about the company history, which shows that they have a lot of experience in the subject field, Niklas said the following:
When installing the power hammer, it is important that you can work safely but also prevent vibrations caused by parts of the power hammer. These parts can be the motor, the flywheel, the ram and any other moving part. Vibrations must be prevented because the smith, the environment, the workshop or spectators, can be damaged by the vibrations.


Niklas makes a distinction between quick installation and optimal installation.

Quick installation:

This means an installation on a socket directly on the workshop floor. A distinction is made between the welded socket, a wooden one, a solid steel one or one made of concrete. Remember that the floor must be able to support the enormous mass. Payload from 4 KN/m2. Between the socket and the powerhammer you place a damping layer whose function is to eliminate irregularities between them. Under the socket is a damping mat, to stop the transfer of vibrations to the floor.

The damping mats are made of a special elastomer. For example Vulkollan. Rubber mats also have an excellent dampening effect.


Optimal installation:

A reinforced concrete foundation is built in the floor. The clearance between the foundation and the workshop floor should be between 3 and 5 cm to prevent vibration transmission.


Rule of thumb:

The weight of the foundation is 3 to 5 times the mass of the power hammer, or 75 x the mass of the ram.


A very enthusiastically presented lecture with interesting examples in photo. Niklas found 9 very engaged listeners from 9 countries with whom he shared his experiences and answered just as many questions.

Thanks to the cooperation with ABANA we will be publishing the recording of this Treff in not too far future.


The next Treff is on June17 with Caitlin morris.

Start: 19.00 CEST
Room Open: 18.40 CEST

