von Paul Vos

Recording online Treff with Rafael Luna Atoc

An inspiring evening with Rafael Luna Atoc.

An introduction to making a ‘Kopfzerbrecher’ with two chisels and a hammer. The Devills Grill !

The second time ‘Where brain power and material power ultimately meet’.

Anything is possible in Blacksmithing! Our traditional craft proves this again when making the Devills Grill. Only one restriction might be that you ‘d better make the Devills Grill with two persons.

The Devills Grill was probably ‘invented’ in Spain since it has been found there but the real origin is unknown and rediscovered by a Spanish blacksmith who was passionate about preserving old techniques and shapes and copied it to pass on the technique to posterity. His name is Juan Ocampo.

The Devills Grill can be made in two versions.
One with the bars resting flat on the surface and one with the bars resting on sharp edge of the bar (diagonally/on the diamond).
The only thing you need besides your hammer and forge fire are two chisels.
One to cut the holes and one as a drift to shape the holes.
When you process the bars diagonally, the chisel head must be 1 mm wider than the length of the diagonal of the bar. This will give you the necessary clearance when assembling the grill.
When working diagonally, it is important to work 'symmetrically', meaning to rotate the bar 180 degrees every two hits and then continue working. You do this to prevent the bar from deforming too much.
The start of making always starts in the center of the grill. It is best to use a square 1 inch rod.
Then always work 'left'/'right' from the middle. Proper sizing of where to cut the holes is most important. Because the material deforms and becomes longer when making holes, it is important to always set the next hole to the correct distance after making the hole.

Making a relatively small grill with 16 'holes' approx. 1000 mm * 1000 mm takes about 2 to 3 days.
Practice makes perfect, which certainly applies to slitting and drifting the holes.

Rafael found 24 engaged listeners from 8 countries with whom he shared his experiences and answered just as many questions.

Enjoy the view of the presentation on You Tube! The images speak for themselves.

The next Treff is on February 13.
Start: 19.00 CET
Room Open: 18.40 CET

Message from the undersigned: also have a look at the attached article:
The Anvil’s Horn A Publication ofthe Arizona Artist Blacksmith Association Issue No. 205 July 2020


A comprehensive job description!!
