von Patrick Beck

Next Monday Treff with Adrien Morat

On 21.02.2022 Adrien Morat will present the topic iron smelting. He will share some of his experiences from several smelts he did. As an example, he will talk about a Japanese style of smelting furnaces. He picked this style of furnace, because it is easily built and has good chances of getting an iron bloom.


Location: https://zoom.us/j/93254104312?pwd=Zm1HYVR6b3g1ZS8zL3Jjb0M3VGVmQT09
Meeting-ID: 932 5410 4312
Kenncode: 303241

Start 19.00 CET

Room Open / Raum geöffnet 18.40 CET


Questions during the Treff are supposed to be posted into the chat. At the end of the presentation, the questions will be answered. This way, it will be easier to answer all the questions.

Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to a wonderful evening together!
