von Patrick Beck
Next Monday Treff with Benjamin Kjellman-Chapin
On 21.03.2022 Benjamin Kjellman-Chapin will talk about his way of giving proportions to his work. He has a unique way how he designs figures and other work he does.
Location: https://zoom.us/j/97589349924?pwd=bUJ5ZC80ZzFUMndKMzhwT25mK2RPdz09
Meeting-ID: 975 8934 9924
Kenncode: 158202
Start 19.00 CET
Room Open / Raum geöffnet 18.40 CET
Questions during the Treff are supposed to be posted into the chat. At the end of the presentation, the questions will be answered. This way, it will be easier to answer all the questions.
Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to a great evening together!