Donate to the project

Since 2020 we have now been working on the Blacksmiths without Borders project. Lots of effort went into it and lots of time volunteered by the team, the presenters and the participants.
As every other project we have running costs. We had several trials to cover them with buttons and alike, but we think we need to switch to something more calculateable.
The running costs are basically the webserver and the Zoom account. Depending on the need and how much donations come together, we will use the donations to improve Blacksmiths without Borders and services arround keeping the project alive.
We are planning to publish anually how much was donated and how much was spend. We think this helps keeping trust in our project. After doing some research we decided to choose KoFi for handling donations. It offers donators the possibility to donate via multiple ways and offers us a clear way for bookkeeping.
The project will stay open to everyone. The founding idea of this project was to support knowledge exchange across borders and we do not want finances to become a border.
You can donate on our Ko-fi page Donting should be easily possible from whereever in the world you are.
Thank you.
Finances by November 2024
As stated when we started collecting donations we want to publish expenses and donations. Costs until 2023 had been covered by individual direct donations from friends and team members.
At the moment finance look like this
Expenses 2023 | -175,00 € |
Expenses 2024 | -188,49 € |
Donations 2024 | 240,00 € |
Total 8.Nov.2024 | -123,49 € |
Expenses at the moment are spent on Zoom, hostin, domain and handling fees from Paypal and Ko-Fi.
If you wish to have a closer look you can contact us, there are no secrets. But publishing things in detail and handling communications about it takes time which we rather spend on the main parts of the project.